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NSBE Membership

Become a member of the most dynamic group of students, professionals, advisors, and friends who are working toward eliminating disparities in education and achievement in engineering.


Join our GroupMe to keep up-to-date on events!


Koofers is an interactive community that serves the academic needs of college students through information sharing. All college students have access to the service by creating an account with their e-mail address. Many of Koofers’ services span the entire academic calendar from course selection through final exams, and include interactive flashcards, course & instructor ratings, professors’ grading histories, and an online library for sharing past exams & study materials.


PlanetTerp is a free, student-run website that helps students plan the perfect schedule. It offers accurate and up-to-date grade distribution data (Links to an external site.) for each class, It also has reviewing features for every professor, and a discussion board for every class.


UMD has consolidated all information regarding tutoring to the website listed below. Also, the Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education has recourses that are specifically catered to minorities. Besides these official forms of tutoring you can always ask for a member to help you out by reaching out to the Academic Excellence chair.

Gen-Ed Database

Found an easy Gen-Ed everybody needs to know about? Or maybe one that’s not worth the time and effort?  Click the link on the top and fill out the form let others know about Gen-Eds you’ve taken so that they can figure out which ones they should take!

If you are looking for a Gen-Ed class to take, click the link on the bottom